I have received several notifications from several people that my blog was encountering problems (thank you for your concern, and continued support!). This is a test entry. Can you see me? Can you see my prior blog posts? I posted one over a week ago with some awesome pictures, including some fabulous masks we made in El Rosario. I will upload it again in case it was lost. Let me know if you can see my previous entries! I've got more to say but want to make sure everything is showing up first. The thing is, everyone in Honduras can see the updates no problem... which makes it hard to determine what's wrong. Love you all, Lisa
I'm a 2010 graduate of the University of New Hampshire where I earned my B.A. in Spanish and Psychology...I love sparkles, Christmas, coffee, and Spanish.... and am going to be working with kids in Honduras for the next 2 years!
If you want to send me anything, you can pick and choose from this list!
Supplies: markers/crayons, construction paper, glitter, glue (stick or bottle), yarn, ribbon, stickers, paper clips, tape (scotch, masking, duct or that big clear stuff), stapler/staples, little hole puncher, pipe cleaners, tissue paper, little prizes that preschoolers might like!, pens, scissors, post-it notes
Food: Skippy natural PB, nutella, granola bars, anything easily shippable/in packets, chocolate, sweet'n'low/equal/splenda packets, coffee mate powder creamer (hazelnut, fr.van, any other fun flavor if you can find it!), powdered drink mixes, tomato sauce (if it's in shippable packaging)
Random: zip-lock bags, Tupperware, forks/spoons/knives (old ones you're not using, or plastic ones), any old kitchen supplies, DVDs (anything really, i can even return them in 2 years- FRIENDS (I already have seasons 7/8) and GREYS ANATOMY), pictures of YOU/home, anything to remind me of you, Dove deodorant, body spray, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, clothes you think might fit me (t-shirts, anything comfy... i overloaded on the polo shirts and don't have anything to wear just hanging around), old towels (full body, hand, or face!), febreeze/air fresheners
Mail! Send me some treats!
Lisa Lavezzo Voluntaria del Cuerpo de Paz Gracias, Lempira Honduras America Central
Write religious phrases such as, Dios te bendiga, Jesus vive, Gracias a Dios, En el nombre de Dios, El poder de Dios, or simply draw crosses, on the outside of the envelope.
Number your letters, as the postal system is unpredictable and unreliable.
The contents of this blog, and the opinions expressed here are my own and in no way reflect the views of the United States Government nor the Peace Corps. (I am my own person with my own thoughts and am utilizing the first ammendment to share them with the world).
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