I can't believe this is our last week of FBT here in Talanga.... holy moly did that go by fast.

This week we made compost piles and little garden... ohhhh manual labor, how you've found me again... Oh! But a man from a tv station walked by and filmed up, and supposedly we made it on the Honduran news! Literally it was a man with a camcorder, meandering around the streets of Talanga, looking for something interesting.
We are wrapping up our self directed projects, next Thursday is the big parade in El Rosario! We are showcasing their masks, instruments, banner, singing abilities and potential dance abilities. Last week Margarita and I were in charge of making FUEGO SHAKERS!!!!

I have 2 more story hours next week- this past week i read a book about a boy who gets made into a pizza, and then we all decorated paper pieces of pizza! They had to draw their face in the middle, then they could decorate it however they wanted.... i made a model with my face, and about 3 kids gave themselves red hair, freckles and glasses... one of them actually drew an exact replica of my face.

Site announcements are Wednesday! We had our last interview this past week, and from that i gathered that I am being sent to a BIG site. AHHH!!! It will be ok... I mean... I had hoped for a small site, but there is a reason for everything. It's more about the work than the site, anyways. And it sounds like I will be doing some pretty awesome stuff. I am assigned two counterparts, one at a youth center (which I guess requires a lot of energy, as they told me even though i would have preferred a small site, i was the only one with enough energy to handle this youth center), and the other is at an infant center with little little ones. The second is paid for by the government, and is for extremely poor families. On Wednesday I should get more details! But given what we know already, and some internet research, I am ALMOST positive i know where i am going... but in case there are any Peace Corps rules about disclosing information, I won't say...

Ohhhh we were taking some group pictures, and someone decided we should do one of them Honduran style... which means you don't smile and just stare... I dont remember whose camera it was taken on but I will try to snag it off of facebook to share with you all!
love, lisa
ReplyDeleteI love the shakers you made with your students! Can you email me where you think you might be spending the next 2 years of your life so that I can look it up and see where the best and closest 5 star resort is to you?
House is coming along, work starts tomorrow...kids start school on Wednesday. I will post pics soon.
Adios hermana!
Love, gina
Hola Lisa!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's SO exciting that you're gonna be finally assigned (tho you prob know already!?) the place you'll work for the next two years!!! It will definitely work out, regardless of the site size!! They need you and your energy (love that!!) over there to jump start those programs! :D
YOU and your fellow volunteers look so happy and bonded in your photos!
Suerte! Y un abrazo grande,