Well... the days of training are long gone... Friday, at about 3:45pm my time, I became an official Peace Corps Volunteer... After spending the day with our counterparts at the training center, we went to the US embassy in Teguz, had a lovely ceremony, and were sworn in as PCVs. From the 57 trainees in our H17 group, all 57 were sworn in! I am so proud of everyone!

It was so nice to get to say hasta luego (not adios) to everyone... it was really hard since we've had each other to lean on for the past three months (and i am more than 8 hours away from some of my favorite people, 12 hours from two of them!), but rest assured, once the next 3 months are up and we're allowed to leave our sites, we will be reunited. It makes me feel better that there are several trainings that will start in January, so as much of a pain as it will be to get myself to Teguz once a month for 5 or 6 months, it's a chance to see some of my favorites and check in!

I finally made it to my host family's house, which is right down the street from my counterpart's house, and in the same neighborhood as both the youth center and the infant center. They seem nice and tranquilo... my room is set apart in the backyard, and has its own bathroom... there are two dogs, Oso and Blackie, and three kids. I have a 13 year old sister, 15 year old brother, and 23 year old brother whose in Washington DC until December.
I have four site mates! I met three of the four today- they were super nice and welcomed me with open arms, and showed me around a bit. Gracias is a quaint little colonial town (well, big for Honduran standards) with a central park, a mix of cobble stone and dirt roads, with a few mini-super markets, plenty of pulperias, some restaurants, hotels, churches, a castle, and they hot springs are set out of the center a bit, so i haven't seen them yet. Tomorrow I am going to work! Well... I am going to meet my new colleges at both organizations, get an idea of what it is that they do and what they want my support for, and get acquainted with everything. This week will be getting to know everybody and everything, and next week I think we will look ahead and figure out some short term goals for the first three months.
This is all so crazy... I can't believe i'm here! In my site! Where I am a Peace Corps Volunteer... whoa when did that happen??
Lee, sound like you are living the dream...........
ReplyDeleteLive the life you love, love the life you live!
I like that saying.DAD........